Archive for the ‘Azure’ Category

Build a G5 G-Series #azure VM SQL Server 2014 Cluster With shared cloud Storage #yam

This Morning I thought why not build a rocking Fast SQL Cluster in Azure. But the Next next Cluster operation is way to easy I decided to build this with the G series and with the Windows technical preview with the latest options.  A G5 Server has 32 Cores and 448GB memory and only 6TB disk space. In this demo setup I used 3 G5 Servers and a  little disk space

So I created a fresh new network for this.


and later I can create a hybrid S2S VPN to my other Clusters.  See My other Blog post about VPN

I Create a DC that is holding my Service Accounts and I use Azure For the Cloud Witness

Check my blog on how to configure Cloud Witness


Doing a quick performance test on the G5 Machine.  D and C drive

image  image 


The same on a A1 machine D and C drive


 image image


image image

The G5  CPU

As we Create the Cluster and I added some disk to the Cluster we have the following Configuration

With SQL 2014 I can use a CSV for the Database files So I created a CSV from 300GB this is more than enough to hold this test install and hold my two G5 Series SQL Server 2014 Ent. instances 




To save Time and Costs I use the SQL ini file that I used in the first SQL Instance for the Second instance, This will not bring the fully automatic install as I don’t use the Service accounts But a Quick Next Next Finish will do the trick.



Using the CSV as Storage


On the Second instance I do a Install From ini file based setup.  If you need more info on how to do this read my previous blog posts

Installing the SQL server is just as described in my blog post below 

AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances SQL Server 2014

Windows 2012R2 Failover Cluster With SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn Options

If you want to see the installation Steps I created a movie with about the same steps. the whole Process creating and install SQL in just 15 Minutes. not fully untended just for showing you what is possible.


Now that We have 2 SQL servers Running One instance on both nodes


The First node is holding my CSV volume ( more about this on another blog )


for demo I can’t fully load the SQL and this is only for showing that you can build a SQL Server 2014 Cluster Based on a CSV in Windows Azure.



And you can resize the G5 VM’s to a smaller size if needed. 

But keep in mind the D drive is a temporary drive and will not hold data if the server is turned off !!

With the vNext there a re a lot off new options possible. For now I burned my Azure Credits See you next time.


Happy clustering

Robert Smit


Technorati Tags: Windows Azure,Azure File service,Windows,Server,Clustermvp,Blob,cloud witness

Posted February 2, 2015 by Robert Smit in Azure

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Microsoft Azure Hybrid deployment of RemoteApp Step by Step @Azure #Microsoft #RemoteApp #MVPBuzz #RDS #HRDAAS

In this blog post I’ll show you how to create a Hybrid RemoteApp Configuration. It is still a Preview and Improvements  could be made.

If you want to run your own applications in Azure like on Citrix or with RDS till now it was not a build in services Microsoft provided.

But with RemoteApp you can easy deploy a default set as below or Create a Hybrid Environment. And there are lots of new options in a Hybrid RDS Azure Site #HRDAAS Hybrid Remote Desktop As a Service


The Quick Create is no fun just hit Create Smile

Now Creating a Hybrid Environment. You will need a syspreped Template with no unattend.xml in it. There For I created a fresh new template clean install with Remote Desktop Session Host installed and most important you need to set a registry key if you don’t do this all will fail!

This is not in the Microsoft Guide !



After everything is Set on the Golden Image we can do a Sysprep. And keep in mind Azure support only VHD files so do not use VHDX files.

C:\Windows\System32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown

now that my golden Image is ready We can upload this image to azure.  ( I used a 50 Gb VHD file ) So If you don’t have a fast Internet connection You need to wait Winking smile a while.


So the next step is Create a RemoteApp With VPN. Pick a name and select create.


A place holder is Created and We will upload the Golden Image To Azure. ( this could take a while so we do this now )

Select the image and pick image Upload

image A popup will Come and a PowerShell script is there for download


Save this on place. Grab also the Command To run

Upload-AzureRemoteAppTemplateImage.ps1 -SAS "?sr=b&si=623fcaf1-63f6-406d-a749-48c2c3f0036b&sig=n%2FHLp5d1wfEgdi68hA%2FaVWOwyhDl35S1eKQ9dKxZdQg%3D" -URI


Running this Script a Browser will open and you can select your Golden Image.  And the Upload will start first some checking

image I was happy with my Fiber internet connection.

Writing a blog and uploading Winking smile


when the upload in done you will see a check and a ready state on the Image.


Next Step is creating a network Is this also my improvement point Whay not using my Site to Site VPN that already is connected to my environment.

Therefor we create a new network that will host the Machines.

Create New network and pick a name.


Fill in the IP networks and use the Internet address of your Router ( Same as S2S VPN )

image  image image

When the Network is created we can download the S2S Script and run this on your Gateway server. I use a Windows 2012R2 RRAS server but there are other options. image

After running the script the Gateway has an extra dail-in option On this gateway I have already a few connections but this is all configurable to your needs.



Now that the network is ready We can start building. When opening the MYMVPAPP with VPN created in the beginning you will see the Status with check marks

Now I have to create a OU and a service account in my domain on-premise


Next step is linking the Golden Image To the App. You can do all this is now with a upload but as we already did the we need only a connection this is a faster and fail save method.

So check the Link an existing Image


You will see your 50Gb uploaded golden Image. This is only available if the Image is correctly uploaded !


We are almost ready, while the provisioning can take up to 30 minutes. Second Improvement point. Show Some Status step 1 from 10 maybe. Now we have to wait.

image  image

Please Note** during several test I change the name but the steps are the same

the next step is assign a user to the image , this must be a default Azure directory User.


image  image

I created a demouser ( I deleted this user after this blog )

We assign this user to the Remote App


Next we assign Applications of the Image I created earlier.  I did not install special apps in this image so it looks a bit basic.


I published all the apps that Azure Scanned for me in my own image. but suppose you have installed office and other apps it will be there in the image.

Next step is login to the RDP session image


image The fun part is I configured MFA ( multi factor Authentication ) Really nice option

When Logged on We see all the Apps I made a Text change in de Word app


However I logged on the session is still inactive


This is still a Preview what I really like is using your own apps in your own domain there are still some issues with the creation of the RemoteApp but if you have configured all this and it is working you can even use this On a Android and or on your Surface how Cool is that.

I installed the latest version of RDP on my android phone I opened a CMD box on my phone totally useless but you can. It works much better on my Surface.

Running Published Apps on my Devices in Azure What will ne next ?


#HRDAAS Hybrid Remote Desktop As a Service

Posted June 20, 2014 by Robert Smit in Azure

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#Windows #Azure updates new options #SSL #Biztalk #Credits $200 #msteched #tee13

Windows Azure Benefit for MSDN Subscribers:

If you are a Visual Studio Professional, Premium or Ultimate with MSDN subscriber, activate your MSDN benefit now to start development and test on Windows Azure. Build native cloud applications, test existing applications in virtual machines or create hybrid applications that span your datacenter and Windows Azure. Eliminate the cost of buying hardware for testing purposes by using the Windows Azure credits that are included with your MSDN subscription. Take advantage of instant provisioning to develop and test applications faster. Use elastic scale to test real world scenarios. The Windows Azure MSDN benefit meets your growing needs:

Flexibility with Windows Azure Credits

You get up to $150 credits per month with your Windows Azure MSDN subscription. The choice is now yours on how you use your Windows Azure credits. Use them on any Windows Azure service based on your needs including, Virtual Machines, Web Sites, Cloud Services, Mobile Services, Storage, SQL Database, Content Delivery Network, HDInsight, Media Services, and many more.

Virtualize with Lower Rates

Speed up your development and test using Windows Azure virtual machines. Your credits now last longer because MSDN subscribers receive discounted hourly rates.

No additional charge for MSDN software


Monthly Windows Azure Credits

For the first month after activation of your benefit, all MSDN subscribers receive $200 of Windows Azure credits. After the first month, we provide following amount of Windows Azure credits every month.

Windows Azure Credits included per month $50 $100 $150
Annual Savings first year 1 $750+ $1,300+ $1,850+



Source :

Preview of SSL for sites hosted on Windows Azure Web Sites Reserved instances with custom domain names

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) helps you secure traffic to your sites with custom domain names hosted on Windows Azure Web Sites.
What is SSL?
SSL is a key piece of technology for companies that want to do business on the web and is used to help secure traffic between the website and the browser. We are announcing support for SNI-based and IP-based SSL certificates for Web Sites Reserved instances. SNI is supported by most modern browsers in use today. SNI-based SSL allows websites without a dedicated IP address, which is a key feature for websites hosted in cloud environments. IP-based SSL works in all browsers. For more information on SSL, please refer to the Web Sites Services webpage.
What does SSL cost?
Refer to the table below for SNI-based and IP-based SSL preview and general availability pricing. For additional pricing information, please see the Pricing Details webpage.


BizTalk Services preview: integrate the cloud and the enterprise

By using Windows Azure BizTalk Services, you can integrate your Windows Azure services, software as a service, and on-premises applications easily though a configuration-driven experience.
BizTalk Services helps you manage your trading partners with rich Electronic Data Interchange capabilities. You can connect any cloud endpoint to on-premises line-of-business systems using ready-to-go adapters for SAP, Oracle, SQL Server, and PeopleSoft. You can do all this in an on-demand, security-enabled, and dedicated environment.
With the drag-and-drop interface, you can build integration message flows to receive messages from various sources (such as HTTP, FTP, SFTP, and REST), validate and transform them to destination formats, and route the messages to endpoints in the cloud or on-premises.

Windows Azure BizTalk Services is available in Developer, Basic, Standard, and Premium offerings. Refer to the table below for BizTalk Services preview and general availability pricing. For additional pricing information, please see the Pricing Details webpage.

Posted June 4, 2013 by Robert Smit in Azure

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