Archive for the ‘Windows Server 2012 R2’ Category

Windows 2012R2 UR1 Cluster Event ID 1223,1069,1077 does not have a valid value for the read-only property ‘ObjectGUID’ #winserv #network

You just created a fresh new cluster based on a PowerShell script and you checked the validation report and read only “Success” great you open the Failover cluster manager and yes there is a cluster

image image

#Install cluster options
Get-WindowsFeature Failover-Clustering
install-WindowsFeature "Failover-Clustering","RSAT-Clustering" -IncludeAllSubFeature
#Create cluster validation report
Test-Cluster -Node mvpsql141,mvpsql142
#Create cluster
New-Cluster -Name MVPSQL1401 -Node mvpsql141,mvpsql142 -NoStorage -StaticAddress ""
#Add disks to the cluster
Get-ClusterAvailableDisk -Cluster MVPSQL1401
Get-ClusterAvailableDisk -Cluster MVPSQL1401 |Add-ClusterDisk
#Add disk to CSV
Add-ClusterSharedVolume -Cluster MVPSQL1401 -Name "Cluster Disk 1"
#Set Cluster Quorum
Set-ClusterQuorum -Cluster MVPSQL1401 -FileShareWitness \\mvpdc01\cluster
#set network configuration
(Get-Cluster Network “Cluster Network 1”). Role =0


But you want to setup some resources but it fails you double check your script and again it failed. you looked at the last error and see an error

“ The network name Name: MVPSQL2014 does not have a valid value for the read-only property ‘ObjectGUID’.”

Followed by several event ID Event ID 1223 1069 1077

You checked the networks



but after open the IP resource you can’t select a network ! but all networks are up !


So what is the problem ?  lets check all the events this must be a but I did everything right

This resource is marked with a state of ‘Failed’ instead of ‘Online’. This failed state indicates that the resource had a problem either coming online or had a failure while it was online

The network name Name: MVPSQL2014 does not have a valid value for the read-only property ‘ObjectGUID’. To validate the service principal name the read-only private property ‘ObjectGuid’ must have a valid value. To correct this issue make sure that the network name has been brought online at least once. If this does not correct this issue you will need to delete the network name and re-create it

Health check for IP interface ‘Cluster IP Address’ (address ‘’) failed (status is ‘1168’). Run the Validate a Configuration wizard to ensure that the network adapter is functioning properly.

Cluster IP address resource ‘Cluster IP Address’ cannot be brought online because the cluster network ‘Cluster Network 1’ is not configured to allow client access. Please use the Failover Cluster Manager snap-in to check the configured properties of the cluster network.

Event ID 1223 1069 1077

See the last error “ ‘Cluster Network 1’ is not configured to allow client access. “ but I did set this option , yes you did see the script

(Get-Cluster Network “Cluster Network 1”). Role =0


but Role 0 ?

Cluster Network Roles:

Cluster networks are automatically created for all logical subnets connected to all nodes in the Cluster.  Each network adapter card connected to a common subnet will be listed in Failover Cluster Manager.  Cluster networks can be configured for different uses.




Disabled for Cluster Communication


No cluster communication of any kind sent over this network

Enabled for Cluster Communication only


Internal cluster communication and CSV traffic can be sent over this network

Enabled for client and cluster communication


Cluster IP Address resources can be created on this network for clients to connect to. Internal and CSV traffic can be sent over this network


I changed the Role to 3

(Get-Cluster Network “Cluster Network 1”). Role =3

Or in the gui



One happy cluster again as you can see mistakes are easily made and not always detected directly so just make sure your cluster is running healthy before you move further

Posted May 8, 2014 by Robert Smit in Windows Server 2012 R2

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Windows 2012R2 UR1 Cluster Event ID 1223,1069,1077 does not have a valid value for the read-only property ‘ObjectGUID’ #winserv #network

You just created a fresh new cluster based on a PowerShell script and you checked the validation report and read only “Success” great you open the Failover cluster manager and yes there is a cluster

image image

#Install cluster options
Get-WindowsFeature Failover-Clustering
install-WindowsFeature “Failover-Clustering”,”RSAT-Clustering” -IncludeAllSubFeature
#Create cluster validation report
Test-Cluster -Node mvpsql141,mvpsql142
#Create cluster
New-Cluster -Name MVPSQL1401 -Node mvpsql141,mvpsql142 -NoStorage -StaticAddress “”
#Add disks to the cluster
Get-ClusterAvailableDisk -Cluster MVPSQL1401
Get-ClusterAvailableDisk -Cluster MVPSQL1401 |Add-ClusterDisk
#Add disk to CSV
Add-ClusterSharedVolume -Cluster MVPSQL1401 -Name “Cluster Disk 1”
#Set Cluster Quorum
Set-ClusterQuorum -Cluster MVPSQL1401 -FileShareWitness \mvpdc01cluster
#set network configuration
(Get-ClusterNetwork “Cluster Network 1”). Role =0


But you want to setup some resources but it fails you double check your script and again it failed. you looked at the last error and see an error

“ The network name Name: MVPSQL2014 does not have a valid value for the read-only property ‘ObjectGUID’.”

Followed by several event ID Event ID 1223 1069 1077

You checked the networks



but after open the IP resource you can’t select a network ! but all networks are up !

So what is the problem ?  lets check all the events this must be a but I did everything right

This resource is marked with a state of ‘Failed’ instead of ‘Online’. This failed state indicates that the resource had a problem either coming online or had a failure while it was online

The network name Name: MVPSQL2014 does not have a valid value for the read-only property ‘ObjectGUID’. To validate the service principal name the read-only private property ‘ObjectGuid’ must have a valid value. To correct this issue make sure that the network name has been brought online at least once. If this does not correct this issue you will need to delete the network name and re-create it

Health check for IP interface ‘Cluster IP Address’ (address ‘’) failed (status is ‘1168’). Run the Validate a Configuration wizard to ensure that the network adapter is functioning properly.

Cluster IP address resource ‘Cluster IP Address’ cannot be brought online because the cluster network ‘Cluster Network 1’ is not configured to allow client access. Please use the Failover Cluster Manager snap-in to check the configured properties of the cluster network.

Event ID 1223 1069 1077

See the last error “ ‘Cluster Network 1’ is not configured to allow client access. “ but I did set this option , yes you did see the script

(Get-ClusterNetwork “Cluster Network 1”). Role =0


but Role 0 ?

Cluster Network Roles:

Cluster networks are automatically created for all logical subnets connected to all nodes in the Cluster.  Each network adapter card connected to a common subnet will be listed in Failover Cluster Manager.  Cluster networks can be configured for different uses.




Disabled for Cluster Communication


No cluster communication of any kind sent over this network

Enabled for Cluster Communication only


Internal cluster communication and CSV traffic can be sent over this network

Enabled for client and cluster communication


Cluster IP Address resources can be created on this network for clients to connect to. Internal and CSV traffic can be sent over this network


I changed the Role to 3

(Get-ClusterNetwork “Cluster Network 1”). Role =3

Or in the gui



One happy cluster again as you can see mistakes are easily made and not always detected directly so just make sure your cluster is running healthy before you move further

Posted May 8, 2014 by Robert Smit in Windows Server 2012 R2

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Windows Server 2012 R2 Update KB2919355 #update #winserv #PoshPAIG #Patch #Audit/Installation GUI

Don’t forget to update your servers with update 1 and keep in mind that if you choose to update your clusters by hand. That you patch all the servers and not leave the cluster is a split-patched environment!. You will not be the first that have cluster troubles by mispatching.

now that there is a Update 1 you can see different patch models from 800 Mb to 3 MB depends on the update status from the machine.



Windows Server 2012 R2 Update is a cumulative set of security updates, critical updates and updates. You must install Windows Server 2012 R2 Update to ensure that your computer can continue to receive future Windows Updates, including security updates. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.

But if you don’t know the status of your servers and you don’t use wsus but patching from Microsoft update and there is no SCCM in place. you need some other tool to audit your servers. Write a Powershell script DSC or use a tool from codeplex Enter the PowerShell Patch Audit/Installation GUI (PoshPAIG).


This is a little toolkit that can do this for you If you don’t have tools in place and you need fast results this is the best way.

The tool is self explaining So I don’t go in to detail the source is here:



/Happy Patching

Posted April 22, 2014 by Robert Smit in Windows Server 2012 R2

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