PowerShell Place custom VM into Windows Azure Pack Subscription #wapack #cloud #scvmm #Microsoft

During migrations there is always the trouble of all those settings and things to do before everything is running smoothly.

Well during my migration I needed to move several Machines to a private cloud subscription in Azure Pack.

As I’m not the Biggest Powershell Guru I like to keep things simple and I’m a big fan of the “ select Name “  and the  “ Out-GridView “

Options these options give you much more detail and make powershell a but more GUI ( don’t shoot )

#Set your SCVMM server and use -ForOnBehalfOf to make use of Service Provider Foundation.
Import-Module -Name virtualmachinemanager
$VMMSERVER = Get-SCVMMServer -ComputerName YOUR OWN VMM Server-ForOnBehalfOf

#Select WAP Cloud
$Cloud = Get-SCCloud -Name (Get-SCCloud | select Name | Out-GridView -Title "Select WAP Cloud" -PassThru).Name

#Select Select WAP User Subscription
$User = (Get-SCUserRole | Where-Object Cloud -Match $Cloud).Name | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select WAP User Subscription"

# Show WAP Subscription User
$WAPUserrole = Get-SCUserRole | Where-Object Cloud -Match $Cloud | Where-Object Name -Like $User*
$WAPUserrole |ft name

# Select Single VM to WAP
$WAPVM = (Get-SCVirtualMachine ($Cloud | Get-SCVirtualMachine | select Name | Out-GridView -Title "Select Single VM to WAP" -PassThru).Name)



# show Selected VM to WAP Subscription
$WAPVM|ft name

#Place VM in WAP Subscription
Set-SCVirtualMachine -VM $WAPVM –UserRole $WAPUserrole –Owner $User

As there is a pick list there is no typo there when moving the VM

When Checking the Windows Azure Portal you will see after a refresh a VM that is migrated to Azure Pack.



Happy clustering

Robert Smit



Posted April 14, 2015 by Robert Smit in Azure

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